Every person needs a companion as does every blog. The Other Side of Forty-Two is the companion to Lifeat42.com. This blog will focus on the lifestyle side of Robert Lavigne, while Life@42 will continue to focus on his leadership side.
Monday, 7 May 2012
The Grandelicious Entrepreneurs of Brantford are Revitalizing the Economy with #Brantastic Food, Wine and Entertainment
Karen Thomson and Robert Lavigne Cheesing It Up at Grandelicious
On May 4, 2012, Karen and I were invited to attend the VIP Gala of Grandelicious in Brantford. It would mark the launch of the three day weekend event showcasing Food, Wine and Entertainment available in the Brant and Grand River region. The event would see thousands of people attending over the weekend, due in part by Lynn Crawford of the Food Network gracing the stage.
Honoured Dignitaries, Trevor Cherewka and Jamie Stephens (Organizers)
Chris Friel, Mayor of Brantford and David McKee, Brantford Town Crier
The VIP Gala started with Municipal, Provincial and Federal dignitaries extolling praise for what Trevor and Jamie were spearheading in the region. After the formal announcements, I caught up with Chris Friel (Mayor of Brantford), Jan Vanderstelt (Brantford City Council), and Phil McColeman (MP - Brant) to capture their insights on this event. David McKee (Brantford Town Crier) even graced me with a secondary reading of his speech from the opening ceremony.
What earmarked this as a successful event to me, was not the 4500 in attendance, the 35000 samples given out, the 34 vendors, the 44 booths, or the 8 musicians. For me, it was the fact that as I walked up and down the isles, I recognized the majority of the vendors, participants, attendees and volunteers. The fact that I have lived in Brantford for just shy of a year speaks volumes to the fact that it doesn't take long to see that there is an emergence of community leaders in Brantford. There is a new generation spawning multiple generations coming together to redefine what it means to live the Brantford lifestyle.
Brantford has been hard hit by the economic realities of a small town on the outskirts of a metropolitan mega city. One of the reasons I moved from Toronto to Brantford is to help this city redefine itself for the twenty-first century. It is events like this that remind me that I am not alone in this venture. Events such as the Grandelicious Food and Wine Show are a reminder that it only takes the will of a few to redefine the will of many.
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